David Martins de Matos


David Martins de Matos graduated in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1990 from Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Lisbon. He received a Masters Degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1995 (from IST), on object-oriented programming in distributed systems. In 2005, he received a Doctor of Engineering Degree in Systems and Computer Science (IST), on automatic natural language generation. He has been teaching since 1993 (on logic and functional programming, object-oriented programming, algorithms and data structures, compiler construction, computer architecture, distributed systems, computer graphics, and natural language processing). He was a researcher at INESC, from 1988 to 2000, in the Distributed Systems, Telematic Services and Systems, and Software Engineering Groups. In 1998 he became a member of the Telematic and Computational Systems Center (IST), until 2001, when he became a member of INESC-ID's newly created Spoken Language Systems Lab (L²F). In the past, he participated in several European and National projects, as well as projects in the private sector (banking and telecommunications industries), both national and international. He is a senior member of the ACM (SIGMM, SIGIR) and of the IEEE (Signal Processing Society, Computer Society, Robotics and Automation Society). He is also a member of the Order of Portuguese Engineers.

His scientific interests include management of linguistic resources; software architectures for natural language engineering; automatic natural language generation and automatic summarization; natural language interfaces; and processing of written language in general. In addition to the above interests, he also conduct research in computational processing of music and applications of machine learning in the health sector.


Total Publications: 155

Article (Author)

In Proceedings (Author)

In Book (Author)

Technical Report (Author)

Miscellaneous (Author)

Thesis (Author)


Total Supervisions: 102

Doctoral Theses

Master's Theses

Graduation Theses



Total Projects: 13

International Projects

National Projects

