VITHEA (Virtual Therapist for Aphasia treatment)
The goal of the VITHEA project (Virtual Therapist for Aphasia treatment - Terapeuta Virtual para o tratamento da Afasia) is the development of a software program for the treatment of aphasic patients --particularly those that show difficulties when recalling words-- incorporating recent advances of speech and language technology. The software must act as a "virtual therapist", asking for the patient to recall the contents of a photo or a picture that is shown. By means of the use of automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology, the program must be able to recognize what was said by the patient and to validate if it was correct or not. The "virtual therapist" must be able to provide help to the user whenever it is asked for both semantically and phonologically, that is, both as a written solution or as a speech synthesized production based on text-to-speech (TTS) technology.