Master Theses Themes at L2F


Revision as of 13:15, 10 May 2013 by Ramon (talk | contribs)
  • Aferição de técnicas de apresentação
  • My-ROBOT: a robotic dialogue based learning companion for a maths game
  • Simplificação/tradução automática de textos
  • Ferramenta de pesquisa em áudio para advogados
  • Microphone network selection and calibration approaches in multi-room environments
  • Mobile alert: combining human mobile motion detection and voice analysis
  • Os arquivos de áudio de ontem e de hoje
  • Query-by-example speaker search in large data speech collections
  • Spoken term detection in speech collections using spoken queries
  • Towards a universal language recognition system
  • Using Shazam-like audio fingerprinting to block advertisements in audio podcasts

Advertisement-blocking applications in internet browsers (e.g. AdBlock in Firefox or Chrome) block advertisements appearing on websites so that they do not display on screen. Audio fingerprinting applications like Shazam recognize a song from small segments by using audio fingerprinting. The objective of this thesis is to design a program which is able to block advertisements found on audio available for download on the web (podcast) on semi-supervised form. The method should exploit fingerprinting techniques like those of Shazam and the fact that Ads do not change from podcast to podcast, unlike the conventional content. The work will include

- Gathering a small set of audio examples from the web containing advertisements (i.e. from BBC podcasts) which is representative of the problem to be solved.

- Using fingerprinting algorithms to identify similar segments in the audio podcasts, store fingerprints and filter out advertisements.

  • Ensinando um chatbot a responder de modo credível com base em diferentes tipos de feedback
  • Just.Chat – respondendo como um humano com base em legendas de filmes
  • SERTO – Sobrevivendo a Erros de Reconhecimento, de Teclado e Outros
  • POE: PlatafOrma de Escrita
  • Dizes-me onde vive a Scarlett Johansson? – desenvolvimento de um sistema de pergunta/resposta para português
  • Medicine.Ask: An intelligent search facility for medicine information
  • Teach me! Interface verbal para ensino de agentes artificiais
  • Aplicação de métodos de aprendizagem ativa em Língua Natural (Aluno: Nuno Aniceto, Orientador: Nuno Mamede)
  • Classificador de textos para o ensino de português como segunda língua (Aluno: Pedro Curto, Orientador: Nuno Mamede)
  • Corretor ortográfico e identificação de sufixos com Transdutores (Aluno: Marco Ferreira, Orientador: Nuno Mamede)
  • Desambiguação semântica de nomes (Aluno: Rita Policarpo, Orientador: Nuno Mamede)
  • Desambiguação sintatica/semântica de verbos (Aluno: Goncalo Suissas, Orientador: Nuno Mamede)