

The Spoken Language Systems Lab organizes seminars by both its researchers and invited speakers. Seminars take place Friday at 15:30.

Next Seminar

20060505 CVS and software development
20060512 Propor 2006: presentations rehearsal
20060519 L2F web page (internal seminar)
20060526 GRIDS

Seminars 2006

These are the seminars that took place in the current year. For older seminars, see below.

20060428 João Cabral's MSc thesis presentation (IST)
20060421 João Paulo Cabral and João Graça: rehearsal for MSc theses defense
20060414 No seminar: holidays
20060407 Cristina Mota
20060217 L²F Day 2006: Friday, February 17, 2006 is dedicated to a day-long workshop open exclusively for L²F members.

Older Seminars

These seminars are group by year: years before 2000 correspond to documented seminars predating L²F, as is the case with the BICA seminars.