TAP Corpus


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Getting the corpus

git clone ssh://ssh.l2f.inesc-id.pt/afs/l2f/home/filcab/git/tap.git

Assuming the pdfs are in "originals/UP*…"

(You can do the following commands to get the pdfs there.)

cd tap
mkdir originals
cd originals
lndir /afs/l2f/corpora/up-magazine/originals

Getting the corpus aligned

Prerequisite: stanford coreNLP at tap/stanford-corenlp;

l2fstring available.



If the pdfs are not at originals/, run: ./everything <directory>

Aligned sentences are stored in aligned/ Tagged corpus is at tagged/.

The aligned and tagged corpora are available at: /afs/l2f/home/filcab/tap-corpus