Spoken Language Systems Lab


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L²F - INESC ID Lisboa

INESC ID's Spoken Language Systems Laboratory (L²F - Laboratório de sistemas de Língua Falada) was created in January 2001, bringing together several research groups which could potentially add relevant contributions to the area of computational processing of spoken language for Portuguese. The lab is integrated in the research unit of Interactive Intelligent Systems.

<php>print '
'; print '<iframe width="300" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/2B6Z0ih_fKA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; </php>

More on YouTube: VITHEA 3D office PT-STAR

Past events:

March 1st, 2013 (Friday, 15:00, Room 020)
Nuno Silva presented NLP-triggered, ontology-based KB enrichment strategies

February 13th, 2013 (Wednesday, 16:00, Room 336)
Philippe Boula de Mareüil presented Perceptual and Automatic Processing of French Accents

September 28th,2012 (Friday, 14:00, Room 020)
Bhiksha Raj presented Privacy-Preserving Speech and Audio Processing

July 19th,2012 (Thursday, 17:00, Amphitheater of the Complexo Interdisciplinar, IST)
Eric Nyberg presented Deeper QA: CMU, Watson, and the Open Advancement of Question Answering

July 11th,2012 (Wednesday, 16:00, Room 336)
Samuel Zeng presented Ensemble pruning via Weighted Accuracy and Diversity

Participation in Conferences:

Dec 8-15, 2012
Luís Marujo and Wang Ling attended COLING 2012, the 24th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, in Mumbai, India.

Dec 2-5, 2012
João Miranda and Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli attended SLT 2012, the 2012 IEEE Spoken Language Technology Workshop, in Miami, USA.

Oct 29-Nov 2, 2012
Paula Cristina Vaz attended CIKM 2012, the 21st ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, in Maui, USA.

Oct 8-12, 2012
Carlos Rosão, Ricardo Ribeiro, and David Martins de Matos attended ISMIR 2012, the International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, in Porto, Portugal.

May 21-27, 2012
Ana Cristina Mendes, Ângela Costa, Gracinda Carvalho, João Graça and Luís Marujo attended LREC 2012, the international conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, in Istanbul, Turkey.

New Master Theses Themes at L2F (2013/14)

We invite everyone interested in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing to attend the 3rd Lisbon Machine Learning School - LxMLS 2013.

New courses of Portuguese as Second Language - starting 2nd October 2012 - by Ciberescola with the activities in colaboration with INESC-ID. Visit: http://www.cibercursoslp.com/inscricoes.html

Fernando Batista and Ricardo Ribeiro took part in a experimental evaluation campaign on sentiment analysis based on short text opinions extracted from social media messages in the context of TASS - Workshop on Sentiment Analysis at SEPLN (satellite event of the SEPLN 2012 conference). The obtained results ranked them in
- 1st. place in "Trending topic coverage";
- 2nd. place in "Sentiment Analysis".

Scientific Award - Ricardo Ribeiro was one the winners of the 2012 edition of the ISCTE-IUL scientific awards with the work "Revisiting Centrality-as-Relevance: Support Sets and Similarity as Geometric Proximity" published in the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.

Outstanding Paper Award - Nuno Homem and João Paulo Carvalho received the outstanding paper award at the 30th Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS 2011) with the paper Authorship Identification and Author Fingerprints.

Gender Sub-Challenge Prize - The INESC-ID gender detection system won the international evaluation that was promoted in the scope of Interspeech 2010.

IEEE Fellow - Prof. Isabel Trancoso The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE, appointed Prof. Isabel Trancoso as a Fellow of this prestigious institution.

Research Opportunities - The Spoken Language Systems Lab is looking for students interested in pursuing a PhD in Language Technologies. Post-Doc positions are also open. The typical PhD program in our lab is held in cooperation with international Universities.

Voice Interaction

VoiceInteraction S.A. is a technology based company born in April 2008 as a spin-off from INESC-ID Lisboa. Its primary goal is to develop speech processing technologies. VoiceInteraction team is composed by researchers coming from INESC-ID Lisboa Spoken Language Systems Lab (L2F/INESC-ID) that have worked in the TECNOVOZ project (ADI/PRIME/03/165 - 2006/2008).